55 million or 37.5%. Such expenses comprised of (1) nationwide on-ground operational marketing expenses of Bao Dang Ladies amounted to THB 62 million, up by THB 3 million or 4.9% (2) advertising
THB 162 million, drop by THB 19 million or 10.3%. Such expenses comprised of (1) nationwide on-ground operational marketing expenses of Bao Dang Ladies amounted to THB 62 million, drop by THB 1 million
Ground co- working space แห่ ง แ ร กของ ประเทศไทย ที ่G Tower บนใจ กลำงย่ำนธุรกิจแห่งใหม่ของ กรุงเทพฯ บริษัทฯ มองหำโอกำสกำรลงทุนในธุรกจิใหม่ที่มีศักยภำพกำรเติบโตที่สูงใหเ้ป็นแรง ขับเคลือ่นกำรเตบิโตของธุรก
characteristics in such case as the ground for prohibiting such person from performing duties. In this regard, the SEC Office may subject such person to certain condition or timeframe on a temporary basis. Clause
securities. Clause 14 In respect of an offer for sale of securities to the public or any person, where the securities holder is, on a necessary and reasonable ground, unable to comply with rules concerning the
have a audit quality control system according to Clause 11(1) or there is any ground to suspect that such audit quality control system is defective and such audit firm does not cooperate or give consent
participation has opened up invaluable opportunities for the SEC to keep abreast of the developments in international financial reporting standards and to prepare the stakeholders accordingly. Our staff are also
สารสนเทศข่าว มติ BOD 5-60 Final 20171126 En No. NDR013/2017 Subject Resolution of the Board of Directors’ Meeting To President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosure 1. Information Memorandum on 2. Information Memorandum regarding the offering of the newly issued ordinary shares to specific investors (Private Placement) 3. Capital Increase Report Form (F53 N.D. Rubber Public Company Limited (“ No.5/2017 held on November26, 2017 which has the material resolutions as follows 1. Approved to propo...
2.81 370,279 2.86 340,023 2.87 CIMB Thai 296,307 1.61 177,703 1.37 195,872 1.65 TISCO Bank 288,315 1.57 181,499 1.40 234,201 1.97 Kiatnakin Bank 245,088 1.33 133,278 1.03 184,342 1.55 Land and Houses
. 2560-2564) คำแถลงนโยบำยของ คณะรัฐมนตรี (25 กรกฎำคม 2562) และแผนพัฒนำตลำดทุนไทย ฉบับที่ 3 (พ.ศ. 2560-2564) 2 ได้แก่ Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Low Carbon Buildings, Low Carbon Land Transport และ Water