subsequent capital increase with the assistance of state agencies or state financial institutions, unless an exemption has been granted by the Capital Market Advisory Board. (c) Category II: Prohibited
, engaging in juristic act binding the company to increase its cost of capital in cases where third person lacks liquidity or is unable to perform the obligation or giving financial assistance to other persons
1. Compared to those of PE ratios, the mean and median of FPE ratios are relatively lower. This suggests that the earnings per share are expected to increase in the future. For the panel ADF unit root
Convention on Climate Change which entered into effect in November 2016 and will commence in 2020. The goals of the agreement include: “(a) Holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below
สารหน้ว่า่ด้ว้่ยการเปลี่้ยนแปลี่งสภาพภมูอิากาศ Climate Bonds Initiative 5 - การเพิมผลผลิติ (Yield increase) : ผูอ้อกติราสิารหน่ จัะต้ิองแสิดงใหเ้หน็ว่าแหล่งวัติถุึดิบสิำาหรบัโรงงานนัน ม่ผลผลิติเพิมข้ึน
compelled to increase their investments both locally and internationally. These trends have created situations where the auditor of the group financial statements ("group engagement partner") might not be the