segment. Increase in crude prices and restocking to support forthcoming seasonal demand has resulted in this trend being reversed in 1Q19. o 2019 is also expected to outperform 2018 as legacy contracts in
SHR and the Company significantly as well as financially support potential future growth of SHR. Nevertheless, the Company intend to maintain its shareholding in SHR at 60% of SHR's paid-up capital
support the investment of new machines, and provisions for employee benefits increased in accordance with an amendment of the Labor Protection Act since 2Q19. As of December 31, 2019, Net Interest-bearing
7.4% YoY, as a result of declining in core revenue, kiosk improvement to support new business, and fully-depreciated kiosk maintenance. 2) Net profit in FY2019 was Bt584.23mn, increasing 0.2% YoY, as a
ากัด หรอื “HM” ในงวดปี 2562 มรีายไดร้วม 73.81 ลา้นบาท เพิม่ขึน้ 8.21 ลา้นบาท คดิเป็น รอ้ยละ 12.51 จากงวดเดยีวกันในปี 2561 เนื่องจาก HM ผลติสนิคา้สว่นหนึ่งเพื่อ support บรษัิทใหญ่ เมือ่บรษัิท ใหญ่มกีาร
commercially launched in September 2019, an increase in financial cost pressured by incremental debt financing to support business expansion which THB 5,357.8m loan facility to the acquisition of Outriggers was
amount of Baht 24.13 million or 32.88% as follows: 9 .1 Employee benefits expense increased in amount of 9.95 million Baht. This came from increment of number of staff to support new incoming projects. 9.2
service business approximately 98 Million Baht and purchase of tools and equipment for construction service and testing and inspection service business amounting of 99.76 Million Baht to support the
support the increase in number of new branches. Moreover, the Company had increased expenses in the first half of 2017 from the same period last year as follows. In February 2017, the Company recorded the
appropriate methodology of valuation for the Transaction. 8. Expected Benefits from the Transaction The Transaction is expected to generate the following benefits to the Company: (1) To support the Company’s