employees. 8.3 Other expenses increased by Baht 2.10 million from normal business operating. 9. Financial cost in quarter 1/2020 decreased from quarter 1/2019 by Baht 2.40 million or 21.56%. The previous year
effective management of expenses during the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19). Table: Other Operating Expenses (Unit: Million Baht) Items Quarter Variance 1/2020 1/2019 Amount (%YoY) Employees' expenses
compensation for executives and Management Discussion and Analysis Q1/2020 Page 4/4 JAS Asset Public Company Limited employees during the time the company was affected by the shopping center closing situation
other expenses related to employees. 8.2 Loss on exchange rate amount of Baht 1.04 million. 8.3 Other expenses increased by Baht 1.73 million from normal business operating. 9. Financial cost in quarter 2
expenses was Baht 41.84 million, increasing by Baht 17.69 million or 73% mainly from: The employee benefits expenses increased on higher number of employees, as well as other operating expenses which
in administrative expenses of the Company and its subsidiaries and allowance doubtful account increased by Baht 16 million and employee benefits for employees who have worked with the Company 20 years
existing clients to decide to use more advertising budget. 3. From the COVID-19 situation, the company gives the importance to the safety and health of employees. Therefore, the Company implement “Work From
) and IGEN Energy Company Limited has long term loans from financial institution of 25.03 Million Baht thus Solar Rooftop and recognize provisions for compensation and dismissal of employees of 13.86
company to prepare the training courses, uniforms and all security equipment for the hired employees. 3. Gross profit of Solar energy (“SE”) decreased Baht (1.12) million, which mainly comes from an
. Division 3 Consideration of complaints and rule of practice for employees Clause 23. Repealed. Clause 24. A securities company shall have guideline for employees regarding securities trading control system