whether organize seminar, event and more. The company will continue to develop in order to sustain its future growth as well as adhering the security, job expanding and consideration of all stakeholders
ตุลาคม 2563 นี้ ณ อาคารกีฬานิมิบุตร สนามกีฬาแห่งชาติ เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพมหานคร เพื่อยื่นสมัครและสอบสัมภาษณ์กับ ก.ล.ต. และจากที่ ก.ล.ต. ได้ร่วมออกบูธในงาน Job Expo Thailand 2020 จัดโดยกระทรวงแรงงาน มีผู้ยื่น
manager regardless of what the job title may be, including whomever assigned by the highest-ranking manager.
advantage of their job position and duties related to securities allocation to seek personal gains for oneself or other persons. By committing such act which gained him more than 42 million baht in benefits
SEC requests that business operators implement the BCP that must cover key work systems, including the trading system, the risk control system in compliance with the Net Capital Rules and the
scope and description of delegated responsibilities of each position (job description). *** The number of experience years may be indicated in periods of time. **** For example, the Audit Firm has 3
scope and description of delegated responsibilities of each position (job description). *** The number of experience years may be indicated in periods of time. **** For example, the Audit Firm has 3
from the change in defined benefit plan according to KBank’s employment policy which is not related to labor law, together with rising marketing expenses, our cost-to-income ratio stood at 45.02 percent
systems of work related to the program trading in accordance with the rules, conditions and procedures of the notification of the office of the Securities and Exchange Commission. SEC Act S.113
Held Before Acquisition/ Disposition 2 % Group of Held Acquisition/ Disposition 2 % Group of Held After Acquisition/ Disposition 2 Remark 3 File No WORK KRUNGSRI ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED