research believes that companies investing in CSR programs are able to improve corporate image, attract more resources, and enhance operational performance. However, the other strand of thought argues that
via digital channels in sync with customers’ changing needs. Major initiatives included upgrade of K-Cash Connect Plus features to facilitate customers in their transactions with greater efficiency
’ patient management system with the use of technologies and innovations to enhance service efficiency for greater convenience of patients through alerts for their appointments with physicians, queuing, and
Acquisitio e of Thailand on and Dispo ). The transac on method giv ated financial uisition of as usly approved l Value of Con ed according In addition otification of ctions and t sure of Inform 2003). rd of
. Nevertheless, merchandise exports are expected to improve on the back of a modest global trade recovery due to recent progress in the US-China trade negotiations. World trade volume growth is forecast to improve
and other products under trademark “Goodyear”. The Company is aim to enhance and improve the existing business and performance with expected total revenue growth of 1 percent - 2 percent per year and
additional investments in plant, machinery, and office renovations to improve production efficiency and reduce production cost, for the Company’s sustainable growth in the future. However, some investments
following up on customer satisfaction measurements to improve the quality of products and services. In addition, advertising and public relations should promote responsible consumption and must be done
Cables (OFC) of approximately 1,500,000 core kilometers. Such increase of the OFC will enhance an increase in the revenue obtained from the sale of FTTx service to be of approximately 550 subscribers per
company adjusted its policy to enhance the marketing goals. sales and service, as follows. Incomes January – June 2017 January – June 2016 Increase(Decrease) Mimmion Baht Percent 1. retailers and