direct labor and Airport concession fee for Aviation refueling services business. The Gross profit margin of the Group was 55.2%, declining from 56.6% of the previous year since the growth rate of revenue
สิงหาคม 2564 ค่าใช้จ่ายท่ีเรียกเกบ็จากกองทุน (Fund’s Direct Expenses) จํานวนเงิน (หน่วย: พนับาท) ร้อยละของมูลค่า สินทรัพย์สุทธิถวัเฉลีย่ คาธรรมเนียมการจัดการ (Management Fee) 3,164.23 0.54 คาธรรมเนียมผู
of the mutual fund or units of collective investment scheme with either direct or indirect investment in shares, upon disclosure of the value of such investment units or units, the value of such assets
collective investment scheme with either direct or indirect investment in shares, upon disclosure of the value of such investment units or units, the value of such assets shall be calcualted on each business
., Ltd. (“WCIG”) decrease from last year because the company changed in business model from company owned to franchise model since 2017. In addition, due to highly competitive (both direct and indirect
, increased by Bt71.5 million or 17.2%(y-o-y), mainly due to the increasing in the direct labor costs from the affected by the Labor Protection Act, the depreciation from the FPT’s multi-products fuel pipeline
of Thailand. 5. Objective of the capital increase and the use of proceeds to be received 5.1 to be used to expand the business via Direct Investment and additional investment in associated company with
of Thailand. 5. Objective of the capital increase and the use of proceeds to be received 5.1 to be used to expand the business via Direct Investment and additional investment in associated company with
. Objective of the capital increase and the use of proceeds to be received 5.1 to be used to expand the business via Direct Investment and additional investment in associated companies in property business
) ......................... (ขอมูลยอนหลัง 250 วัน) [ทั้งน้ี ในการคํานวณ historical volatility ให lag ขอมูล ไดไมเกิน 5 วันทําการกอนวันท่ีย่ืนแบบแสดงรายการ ขอมูล] ราคาใบสําคัญแสดงสิทธิ อนุพันธ : direct listing