. May 2017 o The Bangchak refinery temporarily shut down the Hydrogen Production Unit and the Hydrocracking unit, ensuring maximum safety, coinciding with refining strategy and the company’s new product
regard, such system shall serve accurately and thoroughly, including verification and safety of such stored things, and shall be at least in accordance with Clause 14; (13) having additional system for the
shall serve accurately and thoroughly, including verification and safety of such stored things, and shall be at least in accordance with Clause 14; (13) having additional system for the following specific
shall serve accurately and thoroughly, including verification and safety of such stored things, and shall be at least in accordance with Clause 14; (13) having additional system for the following specific
. The analysis should enable the determination of the level of risk of the instrument, expected return, portfolio construction, and the safety level of investment. Investment management shall also be
of the instrument, expected return, portfolio construction, and the safety level of investment. Investment management shall also be carried out in accordance with the policy, investment objective, and
are deemed urgent or necessary. Provisions regarding consumer protection were added help ensure safety for any “harmful service” that has caused or could cause harm to persons' life, physical or
Distancing ทุกจุด 3) กำรตดิตำมเพื่อควำม ปลอดภัย (Safety Tracking) 4) กำรใส่ใจในควำมสะอำดทุกจุดสัมผัส (Deep Cleaning) และ 5) แนวทำงลดกำรสมัผัส (Touchless Experience) ซึง่มำตรกำร ดังกลำ่วสำมำรถเพิม่ควำมมั่นใจ
supporting staffs are required to work from home to ensure their health safety. Nevertheless, the Company has performed a stress test to analyze and assess the various effects that may occur in order to use
ใน 5 แกนหลัก กว่ำ 75 มำตรกำร ไดแ้ก ่1) กำรคัดกรองอย่ำงเขม้งวด (Extra Screening) 2) มำตรฐำน Social Distancing ทุกจุด 3) กำรติดตำมเพื่อควำมปลอดภัย (Safety Tracking) 4) กำรใสใ่จในควำมสะอำดทุกจุดสมัผัส