Exchange Commission (SEC Office) In this Application, we Full name (in Thai) Full name (in English) Passport No. E-mail Address Mobile phone As a user of SEC Account with the duty related to submission of
Exchange Commission (SEC Office) In this Application, we Full name (in Thai) Full name (in English) Passport No. E-mail Address Mobile phone As a user of SEC Account with the duty related to submission of
Bangkok, 12 October 2017 ? The SEC discloses the latest updates on the civil sanction statistics since the means of enforcement became effective on 12 December 2016, with the total of 21 natural and
Securities PLC, {D} of KTB Securities (Thailand) Co., Ltd., {E} of Globlex Securities Co., Ltd., and {F} of Classic Gold Futures Co., Ltd., effective from September 29, 2012, and disclosing {G}'s inappropriate
million or 2% from Q1/2020 • However, EBITDA margin in Q1/2021 was 31.5%, increased by 5.1% from Q1/2020 as a result of the effective control of selling and administrative expenses under the implementation
อยูในลักษณะที่เปรียบเทียบไดกับระดับที่ ปฏิบัติอยูในอุตสาหกรรม ประสบการณ ภาระหนาที่ ขอบเขตของ บ ท บ า ท แ ล ะ ค ว า ม รั บ ผิ ด ช อ บ (Accountability and Responsibility) รวมถึงประโยชนที่คาดวาจะได
.................................................................................... 26 5.3. KSI3: Implementing Effective Incentives .................................................................................. 34 5.4. KSI4: Creating Demand-led Products and Services
responsibility as REIT manager, and [iii] shall not make applicant’s financial safety insecure, unless the applicant can provide systems to prevent the conflicts of interest and control risks sufficiently and
Securities Public Company Limited ("KTBST") failed to order or act duty resulting in KTBST engaged in act which may cause damage or constitute an unfair advantage to its customers or other interested
Operators to Perform Duties of Analyzing Investment and Giving Investment Advice dated January 18, 2012. The SEC therefore suspended {A} from his duty as an approved derivatives market investment consultant