sale staff expenses, transportation expenses, commissions and promotion expenses. For the periods of three months and nine months ended 31st Dec 2019, the Company and its subsidiaries had selling
petrol station at 4,953 stations on March 31, 2020, in spite of the lower transportation during the spread of COVID- 19 outbreak. Additionally, the Government has continually stimulated biodiesel usage
room charges, medicines, and transportation. In addition, the National Health Security Office (NHSO) will verify the validity of the disbursement information and notify the expenses to each particular
, transportation expenses and promotional expenses. For the year ended 31st March 2020, the Company and its subsidiaries had selling expenses of Baht 65.95 million, compared with selling expenses of Baht 67.77
services decreased by 42.8 percent. 1.4 Selling expenses Selling expenses consist of sale staff expenses, transportation expenses and promotion expenses. For the period of three months ended 30th June 2020
ส่งผลให้อัตราก าไรขั นต้นของทั งกลุ่มบริษัทในไตมาส 1/2563 อยู่ที่ร้อยละ 50.6 ลดลงจากปีที่ผ่านมาซึ่งอยู่ที่ร้อยละ 61.2 Aviation Refuelling Services 79% Fuel Pipeline Transportation Services 21% โครงสร้าง
ใชจ่้ายเก่ียวกบัพนกังานท่ีปรับลดลงเป็นสาํคญั Aviation Refuelling Services 72% Fuel Pipeline Transportation Services 28% โครงสรางรายไดคาบริการในชวง 6 เดือนแรกป 2563 หน้า 5 ของ 8 หน้า ในไตรมาส 2/2563
Baht 1,297.29 million, or stood at 87.93 percent of total revenue of previous year. 1.4 Selling expenses Selling expenses consist of sale staff expenses, transportation expenses, commissions and
. 1.4 Selling expenses Selling expenses consist of sale staff expenses, transportation expenses, commissions and promotion expenses. For the period of three months and period of 1st half ended 30th Sept
2,120,000.00 2.08 2.02 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 3,935,300.00 3.86 3.75 3$4 .กQ ก () (CK) - 135,700 3,935,300.00 3.86 3.75 TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS 14,119,713.70 13.85 13.46 3$4 Q:กY&%& ก () (AOT) - 15,100