วงจร (Banking Agent and Lending) และธุรกิจช่องทำงกำรส่งมอบสินค้ำและบริกำร (Distribution Platform) ผ่ำนตู้อัจฉริยะบุญเติมบนท ำเล ท่ีกระจำยอยู่ท่ัวประเทศ เพื่อสร้ำงควำมสะดวกในกำรเข้ำถึงสินค้ำและบริกำรให้
โดยมีสัญญาขายคืน (Reverse Repo) และ/หรือธุรกรรมการใหยืมหลักทรัพย (Securities Lending) ได กองทนุอาจลงทุนในหรือมีไวซ่ึงสญัญาซ้ือขายลวงหนา (Derivatives) ที่มีวัตถุประสงคเพื่อลดความเส่ียง (Hedging
, loans revenue was 2,616 million baht, a decrease of 433 million baht or 14% y-y, mainly from a reduction in interest rate ceiling for personal loan by 3% and new lending decreased by 35% y-y but rose by
Digital lending license and launched Digital personal loans in November 2021. Since, the Bank of Thailand has relaxed debt assistance from BOT increasing credit line from 1.5 to 2 times for customers
lending and recalling lent stock. Principle 7 Institutional investors should report periodically on their stewardship and voting activities. Guidance Institutional investors should maintain a clear record
company has already approved transactions or entered into the contracts with long term obligations such as purchasing and selling contracts, lending, guaranteeing, the company monitors whether the
, specify the method of such disposition, for example, selling on the Stock Exchange, selling off the Stock Exchange, transferring securities, lending securities, etc.; 4. ในกรณีซื้อ ขาย โอน หรือรับโอนเป็นการ
by a formal internal process linked to the Issuer’s lending and investment operations for Green Projects. The total amount deployed from the net proceeds for the eligible Green Projects need not occur
appropriate manner, and attested to by the issuer in a formal internal process linked to the issuer’s lending and investment operations for Green Projects. So long as the Green Bond is outstanding, the balance
to the Issuer’s lending and investment operations for Social Projects. The total amount deployed from the net proceeds for the eligible Social Projects need not occur simultaneously. 4.3.3 As long as