Industrial Zone 1, Nghe An ประเทศเวียดนาม เรียน กรรมการและผู้จดัการ ตลาดหลกัทรัพย์แหง่ประเทศไทย เมื่อวนัที่ 28 พฤษภาคม 2561 WHAUP Nghe An Joint Stock Company (“WHAUP Nghe An JSC”) ซึ่งเป็น บริษัทย่อยโดยอ้อมของ
by Quarter Change Q2–18 Q4–17 Q2–18 VS Q4–17 (MB) (MB) % Inventories 224.4 305.8 (81.4) (26.6) Investments in joint ventures 85.0 102.6 (17.6) (17.2) Equipment for lease 116.3 149.3 (33.0) (22.1) Total
(loss) from investment in associated company and joint ventures In the second quarter of 2018, the Company recognized the profit sharing from Mctric Public Company Limited (“Mctric”) which was Baht 2.14
Company Limited (SAFE) as the joint venture of the Company arranged the measurement of fair values of identifiable assets and liabilities at the acquisition date of three subsidiaries of such joint venture
joint ventures 77.3 102.6 (25.4) (24.8) Equipment for lease 99.7 149.3 (49.6) (33.2) Total Assets 4,530.6 5,024.9 (494.3) (9.8) Assets As of September 30, 2018, the Company’s total assets decreased by
ตบิุคคลเฉพาะกจิในรูปทรัสต (Special Purpose Trust) (จ) การใชทรัสตในโครงการรวมลงทุนระหวางนายจางและลูกจาง (Employee Joint Investment Program) (2) ทรัสตสําหรับการถือครองทรัพยสินเพื่อประโยชนของธุรกรรม
mainly from expenses in legal cases. - Share of loss from investments in joint ventures in Q3/2019 amounted 12.12 million baht while there was Gain amounted 83.10 million baht in Q3/2018 because there is
locations which opened in 2017, partially offset with the decrease of share of profit of associates and joint ventures. Financial Summary for the year ended December 31, 2017 and December 31, 2018 Year Ended
% compared to 259.48 million baht in Q1/2019 due to the decrease of provision expenses. - Share of profit from investments in joint ventures in Q1/2020 amounted 30.57 million baht compared to 136.22 million
compared with the year 2019, 9.96 million baht increase 4.96 million baht or 49.79% because beginning to TFRS 9 : Financial Instruments. 5. Share of loss on investments in joint ventures (9.50) million baht