Business 4/ 510 374 36% 194 162% Natural Resource Business 5/ (1,227) (57) N/A (18) N/A Others 6/ (90) (124) 27% (82) -10% Profit attributable to owners of the Company (4,661) 620 -852% 214 N/A Basic
interests) 10. ก ำไร (ขำดทุน) ต่อหุ้นขั้นพื้นฐำน (Basic earnings (loss) per share) หมายถึง ส่วนเฉลี่ยของก าไรหรือขาดทุนต่อหุ้นที่เป็นของผู้ถือหุ้นสามัญของบริษัทใหญ่ โดยวิธีการค านวณให้เป็นไปตามที่ก าหนดใน
(basic currency swaps) หรือ fixed กับ floating interest rates (cross- currency interest rate swaps) 17 แบบรายงาน ณ วันที ่1 ม.ค. 63 5.2 กองทุน P.O. ที่ไม่ได้จดทะเบียนในตลาดและไม่สามารถไถ่ถอนได้ทุกวันทำการ
basic knowledge in personal money management and investment in the capital market. In 2001, the SEC has developed plan to use radio program, articles in magazines, and mobile exhibitions to promote the
66% (18%) 1,415 1,549 9% Net profit 2,326 2,928 2,530 9% (14%) 13,568 11,216 (17%) Excluding non-recurring items 2,151 2,620 2,445 14% (7%) 9,893 10,823 9% Earnings per basic share (THB) 0.52 0.65 0.56
66% (18%) 1,415 1,549 9% Net profit 2,326 2,928 2,530 9% (14%) 13,568 11,216 (17%) Excluding non-recurring items 2,151 2,620 2,445 14% (7%) 9,893 10,823 9% Earnings per basic share (THB) 0.52 0.65 0.56
- - Total other comprehensive income (expenses) (10.16) (11.77) (13.62) 24.58 (1,050.75) Total comprehensive income 6,539.14 5,190.26 25.99 1,691.58 111.56 (10.56) Basic earnings per share (Baht/Share) 2.38
(164) -132% Earnings (loss) per share Basic earnings (loss) per share - (0.02) -100% Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) For Q3/2017 20 Table 5: Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial
, respectively. Net Interest Income In the fourth quarter of 2017, they had net interest income amounted of Baht 1,284.6 million, increased by 4.3% when compared to the basic earnings per share in the fourth
, respectively. Net Interest Income In the fourth quarter of 2017, they had net interest income amounted of Baht 1,284.6 million, increased by 4.3% when compared to the basic earnings per share in the fourth