Administrative expenses of the Company and its subsidiaries in the 1st quarter 2020 were 13.87 million baht with an increase of 1.07 million baht year-on-year resulting from annual base salary adjustment that was
million or 0.44% from end of 2019, mainly due to adopted TFRS9, TFRS 16 using the modified retrospective method of initial adoption of which the cumulative effect is recognized as an adjustment to the
1.67 million baht or 72.88 %. The reason is due to the recognition of loss from Adjustment of investment value in accordance with financial reporting standards Financial Instrument Group Causing the
that are combined as part of the cost of sales in 2Q19. Consisting of the impact of the legal adjustment of compensation for employee retirement 400 days of THB 15 mil (TKS 2 mil, TBSP 13 mil) and the
%. The Company increased the project cost estimation because of the problem of delay in handover of work area by the employer, overlapping tasks of the employer and changes and adjustment of the
accordance with lower sales. Gross profit margin decreased from 11.24% in Q3 2020 to 9.34% in Q3 202, mainly caused by lower sales, delayed price adjustment of raw material price increases in our Portugal
denominator which result in lower gross profit margin. 2) Product mix 3) Portugal operation takes approximately 3-6 months to negotiate the price adjustment with customers. However, Gross profit margin has
manufacturing business in Thailand. 2) Price adjustment of Portugal operation started to reflect since Q3 2022 onward 3) New model launch and adding of new brands to our dealership portfolio. Selling and
% because in Q2-2022, the loss from fair value adjustment of investment in Campana Group Pte. Ltd. approximately 20.0 million baht was recorded. Financial Analysis of the company As of June 30, 2023, the
การสร้างคุณค่าให้แก่กิจการอย่างย่ังยืนโดยการต่อต้านคอร์รัปช่ัน 2,000,000 - 19 ยกระดับคุณภาพงบการเงินของบริษัทจดทะเบียน โดยการท าวิจัย audit adjustment 1,700,000 17,562 20 การส่งเสริมการก ากับดูแลกิจการ