- drink milk, drinks 276.36 178.92 476.89 346.52 97.44 54.46 130.37 37.62 Immovable property business 4.76 4.72 9.48 9.38 0.04 0.85 0.10 1.07 Agriculture and dairy farm 14.80 17.76 32.09 35.14 (2.96) (16.67
the period of six months Movement for the second quarter Movement for the period of six months 2018 2017 2018 2017 Increase (decrease) % Increase (decrease) % Producer and distributor of ready-to- drink
- drink milk, drinks 179.68 132.63 526.20 346.53 47.05 35.47 179.67 51.84 Immovable property business 4.71 3.59 14.09 9.12 1.12 31.19 4.97 54.49 Agriculture and dairy farm 13.79 8.93 48.93 29.50 4.86 54.42
., Ltd (“ECC”) which engages in the food and beverage catering business. At present, ECC provides its services to international schools in South East Asia region. Initially, the Company invested 51% in ECC
branches of the F&B business. The target revenue from food and beverage business is THB1,000mn within 2023. ( * source: Press Release no. 5/2020 from Bank of Thailand, 5 February 2020 ) Management Discussion
- drink milk, drinks 498.91 290.89 1,474.70 767.79 208.02 71.51 706.91 92.07 Immovable property business 3.15 4.69 9.57 14.16 (1.54) (32.84) (4.59) (32.42) Agriculture and dairy farm 13.73 10.88 46.15 42.97
the period of six months Movement for the second quarter Movement for the period of six months 2021 2020 2021 2020 Increase (decrease) % Increase (decrease) % Producer and distributor of ready-to-drink
-drink milk, drinks 599.30 498.91 1,670.36 1,474.70 100.39 20.12 195.66 13.27 Immovable property business 2.96 3.15 9.06 9.57 (0.19) (6.03) (0.51) (5.33) Agriculture and dairy farm 12.44 13.73 41.82 46.15
ready-to-drink milk, drinks 602.33 564.30 1,230.38 1,071.07 38.03 6.74 159.32 14.87 Immovable property business 1.23 0.47 0.95 0.87 0.76 161.83 0.08 9.67 Agriculture and dairy farm 13.72 13.66 32.69 29.38
- drink milk, drinks 472.24 276.36 975.79 476.89 195.88 70.88 498.90 104.62 Immovable property business 3.47 4.76 6.42 9.48 (1.29) (27.10) (3.06) (32.28) Agriculture and dairy farm 15.33 14.80 32.43 32.09