/2023, the Company opened 2 new Luggaw branchs at the EmSphere and the The Mall Bangkae branch. Luggaw will focus on selling a variety products made from Thai fruits. In 2024, the Company plans to expand
appropriate because as of the date of investment, the company wants to expand its business to the expected growth. But due to the burden of competition and economic conditions, the operating results did not
Discussion & Analysis Q3/2024 Executive Summary Significant Events & Business Overview Significant Event a n d B u s i n e s s D i r e c t i o n : Expand Growth Internationally by Launching the First After You
achieve their performances, as well as resolving social and environmental issues, to expand the result of the resolution to a wider audience. The SE Thailand emphasizes the development of the perfect eco
proposed today the measures to enhance quality of investment research and personnel in securities business and a channel to expand investor base by means of ?introducing agent?, a success story of securities
diverse their investment but lack of time. Investment discipline made through mutual funds will help expand institutional investor base and bring about a well-balanced investor base. Impact from panic in
their strength. Some securities firms have undergone business consolidation to enhance operational synergy and expand customer base while others have sought cost reduction by resorting to online branch
, is justifiable because the Company is in the course of business expansion, therefore, it is necessary to expand the Company’s business to accommodate the business growth and the growing number of
the second half of the year. However, government expenditure was slightly decline as well as the contraction on agricultural and construction sector. The Thai economy in 2018 is expected to expand more
,75 1 kiosks in order to expand point of service to cover all areas nationwide as well as launches marketing promotion through the CRM activities to collect points for luck and prize redemption in order