) oversea branch office; or (3) oversea representative office. “online branch office” means a branch office of an intermediary of which services are provided solely through computers or electronic devices
) oversea branch office; or (3) oversea representative office. “online branch office” means a branch office of an intermediary of which services are provided solely through computers or electronic devices
หน่วยงานภายใตก้ ากบัดูแล (regulated entity) มอบหมาย (delegate) งานบางประเภทใหบุ้คคลท่ีสามปฏิบติัแทน ส านกังานตอ้งมีการก ากบัดูแลการ outsourcing หรือ การ delegation งานดงักล่าวอยา่งครบถว้นเพียงพอและเป็นไป
consideration and feasibility study of branch development SET shall be further informed if the conclusion was done. 4 In case decide for earliest branch development: Franchise period is 2018-2029 In case decide
informed if the conclusion was done. 4 Franchise period when HHC decided to operate the branches In case decide to earliest operate: Franchise period is 2018-2029 In case decide to latest operate
company's group. 6. Opinions of the Audit Committee and Directors of the Company who had different views from the Board of Directors. The Audit Committee had the opinion in correspondence with the conclusion
revenue had not been adequately supported with proper evidences. Consequently, the management has adjusted and restated the relevant financial statements as described above. Conclusion : The Group reported
period of 2018. Conclusion: The Group reported a profit for the six-month period ended 30 June 2019 was Baht 54.39 million. Excluding, the recognition of the excess of compensation from returning digital
period of 2018. Conclusion: The Group reported a profit for the six-month period ended 30 June 2019 was Baht 66.44 million. Excluding, the recognition of the excess of compensation from returning digital
assets to ensure accurate and complete conclusion before preparing and disclosing the IFA report even though there was material inconsistency with the information disclosed via the Electronic Information