) Debtor Quality, Accounts Receivable Aging, Provision and Sufficiency of Allowance for Doubtful Debts The Corporate Group’s trade accounts receivable and other accounts receivable as at June 30, 2019
Service Coverage Ratio (Times) 79.87 56.23 (3) Asset Management Capability (3.1) Debtor Quality, Accounts Receivable Aging, Provision and Sufficiency of Allowance for Doubtful Debts The Corporate Group’s
Cycle (Days) 40 40 Total Debt to Equity Ratio (Times) 0.80 0.47 Interest Coverage Ratio (Times) 189.00 126.53 Debt Service Coverage Ratio (Times) 92.06 75.36 (3) Asset Management Capability (3.1) Debtor
which must be paid to the license/right holder. The loan was paid back to the lender in full amount. 6. Total value of consideration The total subscription price for the 805,264 newly issued shares in
the license/right holder. The loan was paid back to the lender in full amount. Items 31 December 2016 Revenue 1,347.66 Operating expenses Operating expenses 2,587,653.58 Total Expenses 2,587,653.58
Remark: *the Board of Director has approved to charged back interest at the rate of 2.00 p.a. 2. The Parties Involved Lender : Global Service Center Public Company Limited ("the Company" or "GSC") Borrower
payment 25July2019 Last payment 25July 2019 Remark: *the Board of Director has approved to charge back interest at the rate of 2.00 p.a. 2. The Parties Involved Lender : Global Service Center Public Company
availability of trusted and affordable ESG verification service providers to furnish and ensure investor confidence and objectivity in identifying ESG impact and the avoidance of “green and sustainability
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installed capacity from coal-fired power plants in order to maintain energy security and affordable price. Due to energy efficiency and a continuous increase in rooftop PV capacity, demand growth in Australia