restructuring (338) (432) 94 (21.8) Total loans to customers and accrued interest receivables, net 227,714,994 218,306,382 9,408,612 4.3 Properties foreclosed, net 3,489,541 3,724,922 (235,381) (6.3) Land
restructuring (338) (432) 94 (21.8) Total loans to customers and accrued interest receivables, net 227,714,994 218,306,382 9,408,612 4.3 Properties foreclosed, net 3,489,541 3,724,922 (235,381) (6.3) Land
Total Current Assets 208,662.0 715.9 9,675.00 33.2 14,893.90 51.1 Intangible Asset 1,003,371.6 3,442.6 964,999.40 3,310.9 926,627.10 3,179.3 Net-Land, Building and Equipment - - 1,009.50 3.5 975.1 3.3
foreclosed, net 2,965,114 3,585,530 (620,416) (17.3) Land, premises and equipment, net 3,082,079 3,038,243 43,836 1.4 Right-of-use assets 315,213 0 315,213 n.a. Other intangible assets, net 1,143,527 1,151,041
foreclosed, net 3,133,826 2,937,160 196,666 6.7 Land, premises and equipment, net 3,285,664 3,284,464 1,200 0.0 Right-of-use assets 218,046 229,835 (11,789) (5.1) Other intangible assets, net 1,107,742
receivables, net 238,612,981 227,677,310 10,935,671 4.8 Properties foreclosed, net 2,965,114 3,585,530 (620,416) (17.3) Land, premises and equipment, net 3,082,079 3,038,243 43,836 1.4 Right-of-use assets
to manufacture goods and services are not within the scope of the Waste Management Criteria. They will be considered when Manufacturing Criteria are developed. Land Transport Vehicles used within the
living natural resources and land use (including environmentally sustainable agriculture; environmentally sustainable animal husbandry; climate smart farm inputs such as biological crop protection or drip
investment decisions and monitoring. 34 >> Consider including metrics on climate- related risks associated with water, energy, land use, and waste management where relevant and applicable. Metrics and Targets
. – 13.50 น. Cryptocurrency bubbles, the wealth effect, and non-fungible token prices: Evidence from metaverse LAND โดย รศ. ดร.คณิสร์ แสงโชติ อาจารย์ประจำคณะพาณิชยศาสตร์และการบัญชี จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย 13.50