that affect the financial performance for 3rd Quarter of 2017 as follows; Statements of Comprehensive Income Revenue from Hospital Operations The Company generated the revenue from hospital operations in
furniture business. The mainly increase derived from the domestic sales increasing 16 percent. At the present, the proportion of domestic sales is 48 percent of total revenue from sale. In addition, other
) Q2.2018 Q2.2018 Increase/(decrease) % Income Income from Sale of Goods 86,805 96,061 (9,256) (9.64) Income from Sevice 54,488 - 54,488 100 Cost of Sale of Goods (64,937) (64,016) (921) 1.44 Cost of Service
independent auditor as follows: Statements of Comprehensive Income for the 3rd Quarter Ended September 30, 2019 Revenue from Hospital Operations Revenue from hospital operations in the 3rd quarter of 2019
overall of the Company’s performance can be summarised as follows: (Unit : Thousand Baht ) Performance (Income Statement) 2019 2019 Increase/(decrease) % Income Income from Sale of Goods 364,354 190,462
electricity. Demand for consumer loans is likely to increase for auto-leasing, credit cards and other personal loans, while demand for housing loans is expected to decline. Moreover, commercial banks have
transparent. The state should exercise its rights as a shareholder actively and in the best interests of the company. Asian economies should adopt a comprehensive approach to monitoring and curbing related
income from complete installation of air tube systems for transfer documents and parcel (Pneumatic Tube Carrier Systems) for projects. . Analysis of Operating Results Statements of Comprehensive Income
) A capital increase – issuance and offering 400 million new ordinary shares to institutional investors by way of Private Placement, and b) Issuance of new debts – issuance and offering convertible
million baht, the expenses increased from 2018, with a total cost and expenses of 411.13 million baht, an increase of 154.10 million baht or 37.48 percent by the following reasons. - Cost of steel tower