in the 1st quarter of 2019 the market selling price was decreased to lower than cost of by-products which lead to realizes operating loss from sale of by-products. 2. Cost of Refining Service The ratio
suppliers and contractors for the same. The ordering of the gear was under process with a lead time of 14 months offered from the supplier. However, with quick actioning of the contingency plan by the
the year 2017, (Separate: gross loss Baht 798 million for the year 2018 and Baht 177 million for the year 2017). Although raw material price increase together with cash conversion cost increase lead to
profit. By preserving cash flow, we ensure that we have the financial flexibility to lead, compete, and pursue growth prospect in any changing circumstances. The dividend payment shall still be made twice
ตัวของรำยได้ อยำ่งไร กต็ำมกำรปรับค่ำใช้จ่ำยในกำรขำยตำมแผนกำรด ำเนินงำนของบริษัทบำงสว่นไมส่ำมำรถปรับได้ทันทีตำมกำรชะลอตัว ของรำยได้ เน่ืองจำกมีระยะเวลำที่บริษัทฯต้องตกลงแผนลว่งหน้ำ (Lead time) เช่น ค่ำ
management fee and the lead to insurance and credit card website. The growth in the operating business is also reflected in cost of sales which came to THB 1,535mn, an increase of THB 266mn or 21.0% YoY
have the financial flexibility to lead, compete, and pursue growth prospect in any changing circumstances. The dividend payment shall still be made twice a year and is based on consolidated earnings and
policy is to pay a minimum 70% of net profit. By preserving cash flow, we ensure that we have the financial flexibility to lead, compete, and pursue growth prospect in any changing circumstances. The
” trademark domestically to expand its customer base to younger generation through offline and online media together with sales and marketing promotion in many channels, which lead to the recovery of the
to pursue future growth. Our dividend policy is to pay a minimum 70% of net profit. By preserving cash flow, we ensure that we have the financial flexibility to lead, compete, and pursue growth