2,833.90 Million Baht. It was decline from tangible asset of 21.35 Million Baht, Collateral of 17.51 Million baht and decline in account receivable by financial lease of 8.82 Million Baht Source of Fund
Disposal of Assets. From calculation the transaction found that size of transaction according to Net Tangible Assets Basis is highest equivalent to 22.49%, which the scope of transaction type 2. The Company
Acquisition of Disposal of Assets. From calculation the transaction found that size of transaction according to Net Tangible Assets Basis is highest equivalent to 19.88%, which the scope of transaction type 2
Acquisition of Disposal of Assets. From calculation the transaction found that size of transaction according to Net Tangible Assets Basis is highest equivalent to 19.88%, which the scope of transaction type 2
0.03% but not exceed 3.00% of the Company’s NTA. (The Company’s Net Tangible Asset as of March 31st , 2019was 5,794,810,000 baht). 6.2) The condition which may affect shareholder’s rights: -None- 7
สนุนธุรกิจปกติของบริษัท มีมูลค'ารวม 9,967,824 บาท คิดเป;นรอยละ 0.29 ของ สินทรัพย%ที่มีตัวตนสุทธิ (Net Tangible Asset: NTA) ของงบการเงิน ณ วันที่ 31 มีนาคม 2561 โดยมีรายละเอียด ดังนี้ การใหบริการทาง
Transaction size 41.55 MB (Consideration value) 771.45 MB (The Company Net Tangible Asset) 5.39% This connected transaction will have the transaction size of 5.39 % of the net tangible asset (NTA) of the
percentage of the Company Net Tangible Assets (NTA), total transaction is 9.31 million baht or 0.06% which more than 0.03% but less than 3.00% of NTA of the Company. So this transaction is the related
Information and Other Acts of Listed Companies Concerning Connected Transaction, 2003. The transaction size is equivalent to 0.32% of Company’s Net Tangible Asset (NTA) of THB 2,790.38 million (as of 31
the Board of Directors of AEONTS and the Senior Managing Director of AFS The measurement of total transactions By measurement in percentage of the Company Net Tangible Assets (NTA), total transaction is