the capital market under Clause 17, the SEC Office shall take into account any facts in relation to the behaviors or actions of the auditor on a case-by-case basis. In this regard, the factors to be
securities and exchange, preparing a summary of types of auditor's report in a specified form Form 61- 4F , providing explanation or submitting any other information or taking any other necessary actions as
as necessary to promote the nternal audit, compliance, and quality control functions to review past credit rating actions in order to carry out the responsibilities of those functions. Further, a CRA
following actions: (1) disclose information on the Kerry Shares Acquisition Transaction to the Stock Exchange of Thailand (the “SET”) pursuant to the Acquisition and Disposition Notifications; (2) arrange for
Directors according to not required ot subject to Connected hailand Re: actions B.E. Date) wo of Happy Share Su to be dire director a take any including Please Sincere Mr.Cha Manag It is expe ould be comp y’s
Clause 10(3) and (4), as the case may be, the SEC Office shall be empowered to carry out one or more of the following acts instead of, or in addition to, the actions that have been taken: (1) to determine
, sale and d to the ission to y actions eting the orandum ng Khon n of the gs, Khon and and ceive the dings in shown in nsferring on Kaen, However, the Company has been acknowledged by NML that NML as the
Company is the guarantor in favour of ETP for any actions and undertakings under the Sale and Purchase Agreement and guarantees the full amount of the purchase price which shall be effective from the date
also approved and authorized the Chairman or a designee by the Chairman to final the details of the investment for relevant documentation and actions 7. Approved the related parties transaction as the
Commission becomes effective: (i) CSL and CSL’s subsidiaries shall be run in a prudent manner, where actions, arrangements and decisions made shall always be in the best interest of CSL as a whole, and CSL and