expenses 10.62 14.39 23.80 32.39 13.18 124.11 Total expenses 32.70 44.31 44.68 60.81 11.98 36.64 Profit before finance cost and income tax expenses 41.09 55.69 28.79 39.19 (12.30) 29.93 Finance cost 6.68
11.49 Total Revenues 1,765.11 1,947.37 Selling & Administrative Expenses 115.05 120.12 Finance Costs 23.44 20.98 Net Profit 10.37 9.12 Earnings per share (Baht) 0.026 0.023 The company will explain the
Operating Profit 10,879 9,202 10,063 -7.5% 9.3% 10,024 (39) Depreciation & amortization 8,079 8,919 8,847 10% -0.8% 8,847 - (Gain) loss on disposals of PPE - (20) 29 NA -245% 29 - Management benefit expense
% 8,937 7,759 -13% Operating profit 9,462 9,613 9,676 2.3% 0.7% 19,278 19,289 0.1% Net foreign exchange gain (loss) 350 -223 -157 -145% -29% -81 -380 372% Other income (expense) 145 117 554 282% 373% 416
% 22.6% -1.7% - Basic earnings per share (Baht/share) 0.10 0.11 0.15 0.11 (0.01) (7.1) Net profit margin 4.8% 5.5% 7.6% 6.1% -0.7% - Page 2 of 6 The total revenues for the six-month ended June 30, 2019
Gain on investments 29.38 - 37.99 - Gain on exchange rate - - 36.75 - Other income 8.17 7.29 13.95 16.93 EXPENSES (145.79) (136.22) (231.42) (239.51) Cost of sales electricity (39.30) (39.29) (78.06
) through another person’s securities trading account. The buying was based on material non-public information concerning ESTAR’s net profit at the end of year 2013. The net profit was Baht 148.04 million
6.1% 279.4 7.2% Gross Profit 68.0 56.6 20.1% 63.3 7.4% Profit (Loss) from the operation 3.3 (26.0) 112.7% (26.4) 112.5% Gain (Loss) from temporary investment (6.3) (21.7) 71.0% 1.5 (520%) Profit (Loss
% - Normalized Share of Profit from Investments in Power Associates 563.1 654.4 91.3 16.2% 968.1 962.4 (5.7) (0.6%) - FX Gain (Loss) (315.3) 162.3 477.6 (151.5%) (64.7) 256.5 321.2 (496.4%) Utilities income during
leading to margin increase in all commodity products, supporting the increase in crude oil prices. All of this is translating into stronger than anticipated earnings in first half 2021. Transformation