Executive Officer of Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Company Limited.“In the present-day society, it is generally known that the growing use of plastic products increases plastic waste every year, and widely
education. Thirdly, on sustainable finance. Global awareness for tackling climate change and addressing issues of social disparities has been growing. As a result, we have seen a rapid growth of sustainable
innovate, its supply chain management, its environmental management systems and human rights policies and practices. These represent a growing class of factors that drive company performance and value. All
the land transportation business which is expanding and in the past year, the company has invested in shares of Euro Asia Total Logistics Company Limited which is a company The main features of cross
focus on increasing the efficiency of the manufacturing process, control cost and expanding its customer base for new production lines, as well as maintaining its existing customers to enable the company
the expanding to more foreign customers which will generate the recurring income and value-added to the Company in long run 8) Funding Source for The Transaction The Company will use the Company’s
expanding its customer base for new production lines, as well as maintaining its existing customers to enable the company to make a profit from the operation. Please be informed accordingly. Sincerely yours
as manufacturing and distributing of furniture, bedding, etc. These knowledge and experiences can be adopted to Planet’s business, thus, expanding the Planet’s customer base and increase more channels
2018 The company is focus on increasing the efficiency of the manufacturing process, control cost and expanding its customer base for new production lines, as well as maintaining its existing customers
expanding market. The fourth-quarter selling expenses was 204.5 million baht, calculated as 13.4% of the revenue from sales. The proportion of selling expenses to the total sales increased by 1.3% from the