these along with Company’s seal duly affixed 2. Ms. Amponsri Kewkacha and Mr. Litti Kewkacha jointly signed together with Company’s seal duly affixed. 6. To propose to the Annual General Meeting of
the new deposit account services continuously which had the various products to meet the appropriate of the customers. The bank has provided the products by offering the incentives rate alongside the
-margins HVA businesses, in- tegration into advantaged feedstocks in balanced markets and timely investments in key geogra- phies. As is evident in the graph alongside, earn- ings growth has accelerated
continuously which had the various products to meet the appropriate of the customers. The bank has provided the products by offfering the incentives rate alongside the any benefits which increased the
continuously which had the various products to meet the appropriate of the customers. The bank has provided the products by offfering the incentives rate alongside the any benefits which increased the
the new deposit account services continuously which had the various products to meet the appropriate of the customers. The bank has provided the products by offering the incentives rate alongside the
the new deposit account services continuously which had the various products to meet the appropriate of the customers. The bank has provided the products by offering the incentives rate alongside the
alongside the any benefits which increased the competitiveness. Including the bank has provided the reward for customers by organized the activities to maintain the customers base and well received by the
alongside the any benefits which increased the competitiveness. Including the bank has provided the reward for customers by organized the activities to maintain the customers base and well received by the
the new deposit account services continuously which had the various products to meet the appropriate of the customers. The bank has provided the products by offering the incentives rate alongside the