ที่ ........ โปรดระบ ุ% ลกูคา้ทีใ่ชบ้รกิารตอ่เนื่อง (active users).........% ขอ้มลู ณ วันที.่.......... หมายเหต ุ: active users หมายถงึลกูคา้ทีม่กีารท าธรุกรรม ซือ้ขายอยา่งนอ้ย 1 ครัง้ในแตล่ะเดอืน
tourism related while non-durable and semi-durable goods, food and apparels still declined, signaling a still weak grass-root economy consistent with the decline in agricultural sector income. Private
related while non-durable and semi-durable goods, food and apparels still declined, signaling a still weak grass-root economy consistent with the decline in agricultural sector income. Private investment
Q2 and flood causing transportation difficulty in Q3, and China where some distributor had weak performance. In addition, Thai baht was stronger by c.5% against the US dollar compared with the same
especially for domestic consumptions 3) Inflation continuing to decelerate with core inflation at an 87 months low, implying a still weak domestic demand. For the second half of 2017, although the economy is
especially for domestic consumptions 3) Inflation continuing to decelerate with core inflation at 7-year low, implying a still weak domestic demand. For the second half of 2017, although the economy is
contractions for the month of July and August from the decreased in agricultural prices 2) Labour market - with employment rate and wage remain weak with the manufacturing sector not benefiting from the recovery
contractions for the month of July and August from the decreased in agricultural prices 2) Labour market - with employment rate and wage remain weak with the manufacturing sector not benefiting from the recovery
(especially in vehicles) in line with the improvement in household income from both farm and non-farm income. However, growth in non-durable and semi-durable goods remains weak. Private investment also
(especially in vehicles) in line with the improvement in household income from both farm and non-farm income. However, growth in non-durable and semi-durable goods remains weak. Private investment also