Expressway and Metro Public Company Limited (“the Company”) was refinanced long term loans for the Si Rat-Outer Ring Road Expressway Project (SOE) with total of Baht 10,000 Million with floating interest rate
เปล่ียนแผน กำรลงทุนใหเ้หมำะสมในแต่ละช่วงอำยแุละระดบัควำมเส่ียงท่ียอมรับไดข้องสมำชิก (“good advice”) ทั้งน้ี บริษทัจดักำรสำมำรถน ำเสนอแผนกำรลงทุนสมดุลตำมอำย ุ(“life path”) เป็นหน่ึงใน good choice ได ้ ซ่ึง
capital. Using our voice through engagement with companies is an effective way to enhance our understanding of management’s objectives and to hold company leadership to account. It helps ensure that well
STRATEGIC INITIATIVES CONTRIBUTION TO THE SUSTAINABLE FINANCE ECOSYSTEM KSI 1: Developing a Practical Sustainable Finance Taxonomy A taxonomy is a way of classifying financial flows by their relationship to
/News_Detail.aspx?SECID=7731 ASEAN Capital Markets Regulators Reiterate Strong Path towards Sustainable Capital Markets and Reaffirm Direction to Promote Sustainability, Connectivity and Resilience in the Regional
4 ASEAN Capital Markets Regulators Reiterate Strong Path towards Sustainable Capital Markets and Reaffirm Direction to Promote Sustainability
or ASEAN Capital Markets Regulators Reiterate Strong Path towards Sustainable Capital Markets and Reaffirm Direction to Promote Sustainability
/News_Detail.aspx?SECID=7731 ASEAN Capital Markets Regulators Reiterate Strong Path towards Sustainable Capital Markets and Reaffirm Direction to Promote Sustainability, Connectivity and Resilience in the Regional
Trairatvorakul, who gave a keynote speech on Thai businesses on the path to sustainable growth. From the Tom Yam Kung crisis 20 years ago, Thai businesses have made great improvements in strategic risk
Capital Market Education and Provincial Network Department, Sarica Apiwatthakakul.The afternoon session covered a talk entitled “SME Path towards the Thai Capital Market.” During the session, business