duty. (2) the name, duration, type, and objective of the trust; (3) the name, address, and telephone number of the settlor; (4) the name, address, and telephone number of the trustee; (5) the name
general public in the Home Economy? Yes No If “Yes”, please provide the following details: a) AUM as at the latest practicable date: ______________________________________ b) The investment objective/policy
defined in the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants which refers to businesses affiliated to Audit Firm that (a) have the intention to cooperate and (b) have a clear objective to share profits and
and (b) have a clear objective to share profits and costs and proportionate ownership, control or management power, have commons quality control system, business strategies, shared names or shared
, dealing or underwriting of investment units. “Association” means any association relating to securities business, which has been approved by and registered with the Office, whose objective is to promote and
) “Association” means any association relating to securities business, which has been approved by and registered with the Office, whose objective is to promote and develop securities business in the category of
include any juristic person established by a specific law with an objective to undertake businesses; Chapter 1 Appointment of Property Fund Manager ______________________ Clause 3. In appointing property
company and shall include any juristic person established by a specific law with an objective to undertake businesses; Chapter 1 Appointment of Property Fund Manager ______________________ Clause 3. In
company and shall include any juristic person established by a specific law with an objective to undertake businesses; Chapter 1 Appointment of Property Fund Manager ______________________ Clause 3. In
: ______________________________________ b) The investment objective/policy of the fund: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________