amount of 42.47 million Baht, decreased 0.45 million Baht or 1.04% from the same period last year due to the Company repay a portion of loan principal to financial institutions according to debt
ทีมีภาระดอกเบีย (Loan from Financial Institution to Total Debt Ratio) (รอ้ยละ) 55.38% ผูล้งนาม ........................…………………………………………………. (นายเติมพงษ ์เหมาะสวุรรณ) กรรมการผูมี้อาํนาจลงนาม บรษัิท ย
(Loan from Financial Institution to Total Debt Ratio) (รอ้ยละ) 51.62 ผูล้งนาม ........................…………………………………………………. (นายเติมพงษ ์เหมาะสวุรรณ) กรรมการผูมี้อาํนาจลงนาม บรษัิท ยนิูค เอ็นจิเนียรงิ แอนด
effective on 1 April 2019, as well as hire purchase growth remained high consistent with car sales. However, commercial banks remained tighten credit standards as their concern on a deterioration in debt
effective on 1 April 2019, as well as hire purchase growth remained high consistent with car sales. However, commercial banks remained tighten credit standards as their concern on a deterioration in debt
commercial banks are tithening measures for credit undertaking with the worries on debt serviceability. Although, the deterioration in credit quality will affect the profitability, Thai commercial banking
commercial banks are tithening measures for credit undertaking with the worries on debt serviceability. Although, the deterioration in credit quality will affect the profitability, Thai commercial banking
, the Company’s margin loan balance was Baht 1,913 million. The Company controls the risk of such loans by establishing credit limits for clients and analyzing their financial position on an ongoing basis
31st December 2019, the Company’s margin loan balance was Baht 1,745 million. The Company controls the risk of such loans by establishing credit limits for clients and analyzing their financial position
. However, commercial banks remained tighten credit standards on loans to SMEs and household as their concern on a deterioration in debt serviceability especially weak financial position SMEs and high debt