decision” and such statement shall be clearly noticed in the advertising. To display the statement under the first paragraph hereof, the unit offeror shall proceed as follows: (1) in case of the advertising
. Trans.Ad is total solutions provider which specialises in LED and special display products. In this regard, Trans.Ad will use the funds received from Eye On Ads to further invest 89% in Roctec Technology
Trans.Ad 5.2 ข้อมูลสรปุของ Trans.Ad ก) ขอ้มลูทัว่ไป บรษิทั บรษิทั ทรานส ์แอด โซลูชัน่ จ ากดั ก่อตัง้ขึน้เมื่อปี 2557 เพื่อด าเนินธุรกจิให้บรกิารด้านการออกแบบ และตดิตัง้ระบบการแสดงสื่อผสม (Multimedia Display
สอืผสม (Multimedia Display System) ปัจจุบนั Trans.Ad มทีุนจดทะเบยีนและเรยีกชําระ แลว้เทา่กบั 49.05 ลา้นบาท แบ่งออกเป็นหุน้สามญัจาํนวน 490,464 หุน้ มลูคา่ทตีราไวหุ้น้ละ 100 บาท ข) ลกัษณะการประกอบธรุกจิ
be at 428,561 tons in 4Q2019, an increase of 84,307 tons or 24%. The main factors were that major vehicle manufacturers have announced their readiness to comply with B20 and continually have promoted
a contraction in overall vehicle sales. Other personal loans and credit card loans decreased in tandem with a decline in private consumption growth. Looking forward, financial institutions expect
appreciation. Private consumption grew at a slower rate than in the first half of the year, especially spending on durable goods in line with a contraction in domestic vehicle sales. In response, the government
% YoY, driven by recovery in volumes starting from 4Q20, notably strong demand seen in the tire segment, as well as improved margins. Global light vehicle sales are expected to remain strong into 2Q21
ซื้อขายล่วงหน้าแฝง (structured note:"SN") ที่ผู้ออกเป็นนิติบุคคลเฉพาะกิจ (special purpose vehicle : "SPV") - เดิม : กรณีที่ผู้ออก SN
should be verified; 1.2 Roles and responsibilities of high-level management Objective The management company is a vehicle which raises funds from retail investor to invest in capital market, therefore it