ไดเ้ห็น 4.2.4 ตัว๋แลกเงิน ตัว๋สญัญาใชเ้งิน หรือศุกกูท่ีมีอายไุม่เกิน 90 วนันบัแต่วนัท่ีออก ซ่ึงมี Credit Rating อยา่งใด อยา่งหน่ึงดงัน้ี มีอนัดบัความน่าเช่ือถือของหลกัทรัพยห์รือทรัพยสิ์น (Issue
ไดเ้ห็น 4.2.4 ต๋ัวแลกเงนิ ต๋ัวสญัญำใชเ้งนิ หรอืศกุกูทีม่อีำยไุมเ่กนิ 90 วันนับแตว่นัทีอ่อก ซึง่ม ีCredit Rating อยำ่งใดอยำ่ง หนึง่ดังนี ้ มอีนัดับควำมน่ำเชือ่ถอืของหลักทรัพยห์รอืทรัพยส์นิ (Issue
days from the date on which the transaction is disclosed to the Stock Exchange. Information Memorandum on the Disposal of Asset of the Company (4th) are set out as Enclosure 4. Please be informed
days from the date on which the transaction is disclosed to the Stock Exchange. Information Memorandum on the Disposal of Asset of the Company (4th) are set out as Enclosure 4. Please be informed
for the Year 2019 to be on April 1, 2019. Please be informed accordingly, Sincerely Yours, - Apar Kewkacha - (Apar Kewkacha) President (F 53-4) Attachment 1 Capital Increase Report Form Safari World
Meeting for the Year 2019 to be on April 1, 2019. Please be informed accordingly, Sincerely Yours, - Apar Kewkacha - (Apar Kewkacha) President (F 53-4) Attachment 1 Capital Increase Report Form Safari World
of Thailand. The company has informed the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) to make a tender offer for GLOW’s remaining stock of 4.75% at the offering price of 90.8136 Baht per share, in which the
the resolution of approving the delisting of GLOW’s from being the listed securities on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The company has informed the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) to make a tender
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remained an issue needing close watch, especially amid the economic slowdown. As of the end of 2019, net loans at 14 domestically-registered commercial banks totaled Baht 11.859 trillion, rising 1.94 percent