Ref. No. IVL 005/11/2019 11 November 2019 The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject: Submission of Quarterly Review of Financial Statements and the Management Discussion and Analysis of
Malee Group Public Company Limited and Its Subsidiaries Management Discussion and Analysis For the Q3/2019 and 9M/2019 ended 30 September 2019 1. Q3/2019 Highlights Figure 1: Quarterly results In
Ref. No. IVL 002/11/2018 Nov 8, 2018 The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject: Submission of Annual Audited Financial Statements and the Management Discussion and Analysis of Indorama
paper which describes potential policies, such as setting TCFD-aligned financial disclosure standards to effectively manage environmental risks in the financial sector. 2022 Stock Exchange of Thailand
directors of the Company in any matters, the Company will further inform the shareholders and general invertors through the Stock Exchange of Thailand (the “SET”). Before the Allocation and Offering of the
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INDORAMA VENTURES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 75/102 Ocean Tower 2, 37th Floor, Asoke Road, Klongtoey Nuer, Wattana, Bangkok 10110, Thailand Tel. 02-661-6661 Fax. 02-661-6664 1
Website : N/A Facebook :, Line : N/A ที่อยู่ : N/A Facebook อ้างชื่อ Sawakami Thailand. ยังไม่ได้รับใบอนุญาต
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