stakeholder can (without fear of retribution) raise issues of particular concern with regard to potential or suspected breaches of a company’s code of ethics or local law. 4.4 Political lobbying The board
of such suitability. It shall also provide basic advice to the client in order to raise the client’s awareness on the importance of asset allocation and determine investment proportion or enter into a
Derivatives Intermediaries (No. 7) dated 9 February 2017 (effective on 16 February 2017). 15 acknowledge the result of such suitability. It shall also provide basic advice to the client in order to raise the
Derivatives Intermediaries (No. 7) dated 9 February 2017 (effective on 16 February 2017). 15 acknowledge the result of such suitability. It shall also provide basic advice to the client in order to raise the
) in case the applicant wishes to raise fund for the first time from an offer for sale of REIT units and from a loan by way of an offer for sale of newly 17 Amended by the Notification of the Capital
กำรสรำ้งควำมตระหนัก (Raise Awareness) ท ำให้ผู้มสี่วนไดส้่วนเสียที่เกีย่วข้อง ไม่เข้ำใจบทบำทหน้ำที่ของผูส้อบบัญชีและไม่เห็นคุณคำ่ของงำนสอบบัญช ี RC4 ปัญหาความกดดันด้านราคา (Audit Fee Pressure) RC4.1