, the Company and its subsidiaries had the expenses of 21.5 MB increased from Q3/2017 at 3.9 MB by 22.2 percent (17.6 MB in Q3/2017) mainly increased from the transportation cost. • Administrative
9.12 million or 10.67 percent, due to the increase in revenue from services of Baht 6.94 million and the revenue from transportation increased by Baht 2.18 million. Other revenue was Baht 3.07 million
1.8 million mainly from provision for bad debt, and UPOIC’s selling expenses increased by Baht 2.6 million from goods transportation which is in line with sales volume. Administrative expenses
million. 4) Selling expenses decrease amounting of Baht 3.87 million or 17.87% due to transportation charge decreased Baht 4.05 million. 5) The administration expenses amounting to Baht 14.46 million
%, while domestic sales decreased by 19.7%. Baht 1.0 million revenue came from other activities, transportation, sales of scraps, and obsolete equipment. Gross profit margin increased from 33.1% to 35.2% due
, retail, property , and transportation & logistics https://market.sec.or.th/public/idisc/Download?FILEID=dat/news/202302/23013239.pdf here in alternative assets such as infrastructure fund/ REITS/ property
. The fact that those cars were already sold and delivered to customers but they could not register their cars with the Department of Land Transportation, incurred the risk of SECC being filed a lawsuit
kilograms, which provides more transportation and storage. Currently, the capacity is 15,000 tons/year. (B) PE Blow film is made from plastic about 23 x 37 inches for packing. It has a weight of 5 kilograms
assisting palm oil farmers by promoting the use of B20 Diesel which is a type of high speed Diesel with a 20% mixture of Biodiesel fuel suitable for use with pick-up trucks, heavy transport vehicles, and mass
to only related individuals. Transport was organized to and from between the refinery and the residents of employees operating in the Control Room. As well as preparing areas within the refinery as a