comply with the performance standards as specified in the notification of the Office; (3) Supervise and monitor to ensure that its personnel perform in compliance with the laws on securities and exchange
to serve in the board of directors to monitor and supervise the company’s management on their behalf. To establish a circle of trust between the shareholders and the company, a corporate governance
to serve in the board of directors to monitor and supervise the company’s management on their behalf. To establish a circle of trust between the shareholders and the company, a corporate governance
to serve in the board of directors to monitor and supervise the company’s management on their behalf. To establish a circle of trust between the shareholders and the company, a corporate governance
to serve in the board of directors to monitor and supervise the company’s management on their behalf. To establish a circle of trust between the shareholders and the company, a corporate governance
; (2) to supervise the special purpose juristic persons to ensure their compliance with this Royal Enactment; (3) to prescribe types of assets and securities which may be approved for securitization and
. 2535 (1992) (SEC Act). Pursuant to the SEC Act, the SEC is empowered to supervise and develop the primary and secondary markets of the country’s capital market system as well as securities-related
being an organization that seek to supervise and develop the Thai capital market towards efficiency, fairness, transparency, and integrity. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ [ Message from the Secretary
บติัตามหลกัเกณฑก์ารก ากบั ดูแลประกอบดว้ย1 2.4 จดัใหมี้ขั้นตอนการปฏิบติังานรวมถึงมาตรการในการก ากบัดูแลและการบงัคบัใชก้ฎหมาย1 ท่ีสามารถป้องกนัการแทรกแซงจากการเมือง (political interference) หรือกลุ่ม
stakeholders in the ecosystem of financial reporting preparation in order for them to discharge their duties more efficiently and effectively. Meanwhile, the SEC will continue on the core mission to supervise