attributable to owners of the parent for the period totaling of Baht 74.87 Million. Key financial ratios o Debt to Equity ratio (D/E) as of 31 December 2019 was 2.02 times. Decreased from last year, which has D
2,086.5 mm from THB 31,014.1 mm as of 31 December 2018, mainly from WHA-W1 exercise and increase in market price of REITs. KEY FINANCIAL RATIOS 31 December 2018 31 December 2019 Gross Profit Margin (%) 44.3
respectively. Comparing to the same period of the previous year, the interest bearing debt to equity ratio and the debt to equity ratio has increased from 0.44:1 to 0.67:1 and from 0.70:1 to 0.90:1. The ratios
in the net amount of Baht 5,808 Million for liquidity management during COVID-19 situation and payment of interest and finance cost in the amount of Baht 208 Million. Significant Financial Ratios
31st March 2021 and 31st December 2020 respectively. In comparison with the same period of the previous year, the ratios have increased from 0.67:1 to 0.91:1 and 0.90:1 to 1.14:1 respectively. The
reduction of those ratios is the company and its subsidiaries have debenture which is to be redeemed within July 2020 then this debenture has to be categorized as current liabilities. As a above reason, the
shares) 32,216,852 22,740,610 42% 32,216,852 22,740,610 42% Key Financial Ratios Gross Profit Margin 30.2% 30.5% -0.3% 36.0% 35.6% 0.4% SG&A as % to Sales 39.3% 33.2% 6.1% 33.6% 24.9% 8.7% Net Profit
8.8 6.6 (237.1) WHABT 9.7 8.4 (39.4) รวม (2,116.0) KEY FINANCIAL RATIOS Q1 2019 Q1 2020 Gross Profit Margin (%) 22.3% 49.3% Net Profit Margin (%) 10.7% 7.8% D/E Ratio (times) 1.5 1.6 Net IBD to Equity
Limited 7 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FOR PERIOD ENDED 30 JUNE 2020 Cashflow Summary as of 30 June 2020 compared to 30 June 2019: 4. Financial Ratios Note: 1) Net Debt = Interest bearing liabilities
Million. Significant Financial Ratios* Description Unit 3rd Quarter 2020 2019 Net Profit Margin ratio (NPM) % 21.61 21.60 Return on Equity ratio (ROE) % 5.13 8.24 Return on Total Assets ratio (ROA) % 1.94