business operators with similar characteristics that may inadvertently exceed their licensed scope. Such cases could lead to disqualification and potential license revocation, which could affect a large
financial instruments for investor?s choice. SEC Secretary-General Thirachai Phuvanatnaranubala said: ?We discussed potential approaches to make fund investment more attractive and better responsive to
financial instruments for investor?s choice. SEC Secretary-General Thirachai Phuvanatnaranubala said: ?We discussed potential approaches to make fund investment more attractive and better responsive to
considered further initiatives to extend the Passport across the region and noted continuing discussions in a number of economies in the region who have the potential to join as participants.Passport
developing the potential of listed companies in accordance with the CG Code, starting with establishing a sustainable corporate strategy, good corporate governance, risk management, especially risks in
pool of potential investors. In addition, we are sure that this MOU’s implementation will lead to a good model for the cooperation in the region and we are optimistic that capital markets in the region
Deputy Secretary-General Paralee Sukonthaman said that Chiang Mai has the potential for investment and fund-raising as it has GDP of 230 billion Thai baht in 2018, meanwhile in 2019, the value of the
Thailand Sustainability Investment Index (SETTHSI), the well-being related sector, other potential industries and stocks with strong fundamentals, among others; Quality: to promote quality analysis research
and investment are all parts of the circle of economic growth. Larger fund flows in the capital market mean more potential capitals for business expansion, which in turn can promote economic growth and
to promote Thailand's potential and promptness to move forwards. Amidst dynamic, volatile and increasingly connected global environment, Greater Mekong Region becomes more prominent in the world