will have to buy 8,181 shares from its existing shareholders representing 16.36 percent of the total ordinary shares of Aukkrarawat, the company has extended the completion of stage 3 investment by
Aircraft 38 34 Airbus A320 9 9 Airbus A319 14 12 ATR 72-500 6 6 ATR 72-600 9 7 Average Stage Length Kilometers 748.5 758.7 Kilometers flown Million Kilometers 13.3 13.3 Passenger Yield (2) Baht per Passenger
shareholders representing 16.36 percent of the total ordinary shares of Aukkrarawat, the company has extended the completion of stage 3 investment by changing from within July 31, 2017 to complete within
existing shareholders representing 16.36 percent of the total ordinary shares of Aukkrarawat, the company has extended the completion of stage 3 investment by changing from within July 31, 2017 to complete
resources and financing through the Bank’s routine funding sources. At this stage, the Bank does not expect to raise equity specifically for the purpose of funding this Transaction. 9. Conditions for the
economic recovery in the next stage would be subject to the situation of the new wave of COVID-19 pandemic, the efficacy and coverage of COVID-19 vaccination, the recovery of foreign tourist arrivals as well
13.3 Average Stage Length Kilometers 703.8 738.9 Passenger Yield (2) Baht per Passenger - Kilometer 4.77 4.72 Revenue ASK (RASK) Baht per Available Seat - Kilometer 3.42 3.89 Cost per ASK (CASK) 3.40
กกำรด้อยคำ่ทำงด้ำนเครดิต (ECL) ตำม IFRS9 บริษัทฯ มี NPL Stage 3 ร้อยละ 4.9 ลดลง จำกร้อยละ 5.8 ที่สิน้ปีก่อน เป็นผลจำกกำรปลอ่ยสินเช่ือเงินกู้ที่ระมดัระวงัและมีมำตกำรช่วยเหลือลกูค้ำที่ได้รับผลกระทบ COVID
, concentrated solar power (CSP) and manufacturing Considering environmental impact of solar assets Accompanying this background paper is a first stage of proposed eligibility criteria solar energy assets linked
appoint an external reviewer to review the Issuer’s Sustainability-Linked Bond framework. Considering the nascent stage of sustainability-linked bond market development in ASEAN, external reviewers should