Company Limited (UKEM) through seven securities trading accounts in concealment, on a continual basis and matched orders within the group to mislead the general public in UKEM share trading values and
other persons to trade shares of Union Mosaic Industry Public Company Limited (“UMI”) and to clear such transactions through her securities trading account on continual basis and in concealment to mislead
. Werawat’s nominee accounts which has been funding from Mr. Werawat for selling and purchasing Thiensurat Company Limited ("TSR") shares continuously in a way of concealment so as to mislead general
such information by knowing that PPPM had insufficient liquidity to repay principal and interest of the Debenture No.2. The published information may mislead investors about PPPM’s materiality
show inaccurate financial condition and operational results in order to mislead the public; in contravention of and shall be liable to the penalty under Sections 312 and 315 of the Securities and
persons’ securities trading accounts. They traded RICH shares on a continual basis and matched orders within the group to mislead the general public in RICH share trading values and volumes, causing
’ securities trading accounts. They traded RICH shares on a continual basis and matched orders within the group to mislead the general public in RICH share trading values and volumes, causing inconsistency with
. They traded RICH shares on a continual basis and matched orders within the group to mislead the general public in RICH share trading values and volumes, causing inconsistency with normal market condition
. They traded RICH shares on a continual basis and matched orders within the group to mislead the general public in RICH share trading values and volumes, causing inconsistency with normal market condition
Company Limited (UKEM) through seven securities trading accounts in concealment, on a continual basis and matched orders within the group to mislead the general public in UKEM share trading values and