. This reflects the growing opportunities for Thai women in the private sector, where they are increasingly being recognized for their contributions to the workplace and society. This is due in part to
a fast- developing company and its industrial sector is growing at a jumping rate, therefore the investment is expected to provide the cashflow sustainability. Company shall position itself at a
, is justifiable because the Company is in the course of business expansion, therefore, it is necessary to expand the Company’s business to accommodate the business growth and the growing number of
effectively. Consequently, we recorded Bt5,251mn in revenue, growing 26% YoY. Soften EBITDA from cost pressure AIS EBITDA in FY22 was Bt89,731mn, dropped -1.8%YoY mostly from a surging electricity price and
, growing 20% YoY from TTTBB enterprise revenue consolidation and strong demand in connectivity services for EDS and cloud to support digital transformation. QoQ growth was driven by resumed government budget
means these are potential markets. We will work hard to maintain our market share in domestic market by improving our sales strategy, developing new products fulfilling market needs and continuing to grow
team of developing the new software. Besides, it also increased from the relocation costs during the end of the year. 73.21% 73.99% 67.82% 71.76% 10.49% 11.34% 17.82% 20.28% 13.55% 9.90% 6.78% 4.03% 2.74
year. However, the Company realized financing costs of developing projects as expenses and income derived from the reversal of liabilities (which already passed the legal deadlines) in 2016, these caused
keep it for operating and developing company. The budget for this project is in consideration and the company will inform in the future. 6. The transaction is Disposition of Asset of Listed Companies
million or approximately 189.2 million baht as ASB Cambodia is planning to utilize the increased capital in developing Riel-based e-Money in its finance business such as mobile payment, E-money, QR code and