stakeholders, the society, and the environment. It is also a guideline for the board of directors? adjustment to the fast-changing world.The CG Code lays out the board of directors? general leadership roles
continue as well Filter Vision Public Company Limited (Hereinafter called “The Company”) still has carried adjustment of the business strategy to focus on the large project since last year and we got
(71.2) -100.0% Adjustment of Revenue Levelization (TFRS15)5 0.0 (551.6) -100.0% Normalized Profit attributable to Owners of the Parent7 1,792.7 1,716.1 4.5% 1 Operating Revenue consists of Raw Water Sales
Customers” which become effective for fiscal years beginning on or after 1 January 2019. The Group chooses retrospectively adjustment in the period of initial application. For statements of financial position
unemployment issues have well from the government measure, such as ameliorate cost of living. In particular, the adjustment to the minimum wage on April 1 ago. As a result, the 2nd quarter of 2018, the Group's
(71.2) -100.0% Adjustment of Revenue Levelization (TFRS15)5 0.0 551.6 -100.0% Normalized Profit attributable to Owners of the Parent7 1,792.7 1,716.16 4.5% 1 Operating Revenue consists of Raw Water Sales
slightly decrease of the fuel adjustment charge (Ft) for the collection of September - December 2020 of 0.83 Satang/unit resulting in the Ft of -12.43 Satang/unit. Besides, the GPSC has been closely
the CRA. 3.3 A CRA should disclose a material modification to a credit rating methodology prior to the modification taking effect unless doing so would negatively impact the integrity of a credit rating
กันความเสียหายจากการถูกแกไข ขอมูล (Modification) เชน การถูกแกไขจํ านวนหุน หรือราคาหุนของลูกคาระหวางทางที่กํ าลังสงขอมูล ผานเครือขายไปยังบริษัทหลักทรัพย การแกไขขอมูลของลูกคาในฐานขอมูลโดย
warrants aware of such obligations; (b) causes and conditions for the adjustment of rights of warrants and the calculation thereof in order to maintain the benefits which warrant holders will receive upon