be a job description explaining duties and responsibilities of each unit and position. 3. There should be a clear segregation between the unit with investment management function and the unit with back
be a job description explaining duties and responsibilities of each unit and position. 3. There should be a clear segregation between the unit with investment management function and the unit with back
has processes in place to measure and control risks within the established limits, under the supervision and control of the Enterprise Risk Management Division. Market Risk in Banking Book Activities
underwriting and non- 15 directional trading business, which we undertake only for serving customer needs. KBank has processes in place to measure and control risks within the established limits, under the
value : 2. Illiquidity ratio : 3. Adjusted zero return measures : Page 14/40 Literature Review (Cont’) 4. Illiquidity ratio is developed on Amihud (2002) : 5. Return reversal measure is proposed by Pastor
) allocate sufficient resources and budget to persons who relate to any operation in compliance with such policy and plan; (2) provide a measure to control and monitor operation under such policy and plan
) housing loan control measure which has been effective on April 1, 2019. MK assisted customers by negotiating with banks to reduce the burden of down payments by way of refinancing their existing housing
% which was an increase in lease liability from accounting measure No. 16. While the shareholders' equity is 1,305.1 million baht. This gives the company a total debt to equity ratio of 1.38 times and
associated company to investment in available-for-sale securities. In addition, the corona virus pandemic which led to less transportation under the lockdown measure, weakened the financial performance of
development Hypothesis development • Disclosed vs. Non-disclosed (0, 1) • The number of issues disclosed How previous literature measure the level of disclosure: Quantity VS. Quality Source:McKinsey and Company