personal loan business to Boonterm kiosk’s Master Agents (Mas), sub-agents, Mas’ employees, and FSMART affiliated companies’ employees. The Company also offered CRM activities, including reward points
ยืมคงค้าง (margin loan) 5. ยอดรวมมูลค่าหลักทรัพย์ให้ยืม 6. ยอดสุทธิ free credit balance 7. ยอดรวม credit line ทั้งหมด 8. ยอดรวมทรัพย์สินส่วนเกิน (excess equity) ข้อ 2 สถานะบัญชีมาร์จิ้นตามเกณฑ์
ใหกู้ย้มืคงคำ้ง (margin loan) 5. ยอดรวมมูลค่ำหลกัทรัพยใ์หย้มื 6. ยอดสุทธิ free credit balance 7. ยอดรวม credit line ทั้งหมด 8. ยอดรวมทรัพยสิ์นส่วนเกิน (excess equity) ขอ้ 2 สถำนะบญัชีมำร์จ้ินตำมเกณฑ
Net debt to equity (times) 0.61 0.75 Net operating debt to equity (times) 0.39 0.54 Debts with fixed interest % 61% 58% Credit Rating by TRIS (Reaffirmed in October 2017) A+ A+ 1 Net debt after debt for
use of proceeds of a designated debt instrument. It does not reflect the credit worthiness of the designated debt instrument, nor its compliance with national or international laws. A decision to invest
to bond issuance?. The paper showed positive response of listed companies? share prices to debenture issuance announcement, supported by the trade-off theory, weighting costs and benefits of debt
Analysis (MD&A) 2019 Page 3/8 profit equal to 67 million Baht. It was due to a result of the strict credit control by the Company, causing an increase in revenue from collecting (Bad Debt Recovery
growth. In 2019, the real estate sector was beginning to face a slowdown as a result of various negative factors, particularly the Bank of Thailand’s Loan to Value (LTV) measure. The situation is worrisome
line with the continued economic slowdown, whereas overall consumer loan continued to grow at a high rate despite a slower growth in mortgage lending and auto loan, personal loan and credit card expanded
accelerate in line with domestic car sales. However, commercial banks remained tighten credit standards on loans to SMEs as their concern on a deterioration in debt serviceability especially weak financial