with Chapter 1; (2) establishment of policies, measures, and management arrangement concerning information security in accordance with Chapter 2; (3) management of IT assets and the access control to
AND ANALYSIS Golden Lime Public Company Limited Golden Lime Public Company Limited 2 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FOR PERIOD ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2019 1. Highlights Health and safety: There was one
2019 1. Highlights Health and safety: There were 3 lost time injuries in H1 2019 Revenue: 528mTHB in H1 2019 compared to 548mTHB in H1 2018 a decrease of 4% EBITDA: 98mTHB in H1 2019 compared to
(the “Subsidiary Company”) has sharply decreased since February 2020. Safari World Group always realized its duty to the society and put the priority on the health and safety of the park visitor
. Highlights Health and safety: There were zero lost time injuries in Q3 2019 Revenue: 220mTHB in Q3 2019 compared to 303mTHB in Q3 2018 a decrease of 27% EBITDA: 37mTHB in Q3 2019 compared to 55mTHB in Q3
customer expectations, consumer protection and customer privacy. Beyond these strategies, we focus on predictive risk management with the aim of maintaining KBank’s stability as a leading financial
. ความเสี่ยงจากการจ้างงาน และความปลอดภัยในสถานที่ทำงาน (employment practices and workplace safety) 4. ความเสี่ยงจากลูกค้า ผลิตภัณฑ์ และวิธีการดำเนินธุรกิจ (clients, products and business practices) 5. ความ
เส่ียงจากการจา้งงาน และความปลอดภยั ในสถานท่ีท างาน (employment practices and workplace safety) 4. ความเส่ียงจากลูกคา้ ผลิตภณัฑ ์และวิธีการ ด าเนินธุรกิจ (clients, products and business practices) 5. ความ
organizations, or recipients abroad, the SEC Office shall ensure that the destination agencies have sufficient security standards for personal data protection. 4. Retention and Retention Period of Personal Data
effectively support KBank operations. - Preparation of data protection measures, currently in the process of implementing Data Protection program as a security measure and for the prevention of risks related to