หรือ 56.0 ล้ำนบำท) Annual accounting support fees from issuers based on average equity market capitalization previous year (ประมำณกำร ส ำหรับปี 2559 จ ำนวนประมำณ $220.9 million หรือ 7,730 ล้ำนบำท) เอกสำร
North Haven Thai Private Equity Titan Company (Hong Kong) Limited ( ) ซื้อขายกันโดยตรง ( ) อื่น ๆ (โปรดระบุ) 3. วันที่ยื่นแบบรายงานนี้ต่อ ก.ล.ต. 24/12/2562 มีหน้าที่รายงานในครั้งนี้เป็นวันแรก
an existing plant. Source of Financial Capital As the group as no interest bearing debt and operating working capital is positive the groups funding is from the shareholders equity. Major Factors which
O U T LO O K E X E C U T IV E S U M M A R Y 12 Statement of Financial Position Total Assets Total Liabilities and Equity Unit: THB Million, % Unit: THB Million, % Assets Liabilities Equity • As at 31
result of repayment of long-term loans from financial institutions, and increase in liability under hire purchase agreement amount of Baht 3.41 million. 3. Shareholder equity as at June 30, 2017 amount of
payment to the trade creditors and other creditors. The Company’s shareholder equity is decreased in the amount of THB 184.5 million from THB 2,420.6 million to THB 2,236.1 million, which is mostly caused
% Total assets 1,862.28 2,060.09 -197.80 -9.60% Total liabilities 1,071.05 1,255.62 -184.58 -14.70% Total shareholders’ equity 791.24 804.46 -13.23 -1.64% As at March 31, 2016, the Company and its
hire purchase agreement amount of Baht 4.07 million. 3. Shareholder equity as at September 30, 2017 amount of Baht 648.33 million decrease from December 31, 2016 by Baht 30.08 or 4.43% , since the
Income Tax, while the non- current liabilities are slightly increased from the last year due to the employees benefits encumbrance. The Company’s shareholder equity is decreased in the amount of THB 81
under hire purchase agreement amount of Baht 3.72 million. 3. Shareholder equity as at, December 31, 2017 amount of Baht 668.28 million decrease from December 31, 2016 by Baht 10.13 or 1.49% , since the