ตลาดทุน ท่ีเหมาะสม (basic asset allocation) ใหใ้ชบ้งัคบัตั้งแต่วนัท่ี 1 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2559 เป็นตน้ไป 2 หมวด 1 ขอ้ก าหนดทัว่ไป __________________________ ส่วนท่ี 1 วตัถุประสงคก์ารก ากบัดูแลผูป้ระกอบธุรกิจ
. Net income (loss) 10. Earnings per share 10.1 Basic earning per share 10.1.1 Net profit (loss) before extraordinary items 10.1.2 Extraordinary items 10.1.3 Net income (loss) 10.2 diluted earning per
minority interest 7. Profit (Loss) from ordinary activities 8. Extraordinary Items 9. Net income (loss) 10. Earnings per share 10.1 Basic earning per share 10.1.1 Net profit (loss) before extraordinary items
. Net profit (Loss) of minority interest 7. Profit (Loss) from ordinary activities 8. Extraordinary Items 9. Net income (loss) 10. Earnings per share 10.1 Basic earning per share 10.1.1 Net profit (loss
. Standards, assurance and certification will be essential to improved confidence and transparency, which in turn will enable further strong growth in the market. The Climate Bonds Standard and Certification
sustainability practices and build confidence in KBank operations. Sustainable development along the economic, environmental, and social dimensions is a fundamental KBank principle, concretely implemented in all
manner. KBank strongly believes that good corporate governance is essential for sustainable business operations. Aside from creating confidence among all shareholders and stakeholders, it is instrumental
________________ Clause 13 5 A securities company licensed to undertake the securities brokerage business shall do fundamental analysis report and provide such information to client, provided that such process shall
Duty as Professional ________________ Clause 1345 A securities company licensed to undertake the securities brokerage business shall do fundamental analysis report and provide such information to client
Duty as Professional ________________ Clause 1345 A securities company licensed to undertake the securities brokerage business shall do fundamental analysis report and provide such information to client