)% 1,334 1,971 (32)% Total Revenue 96,130 91,885 77,077 25% 368,172 292,797 26% Cost of sales2 83,548 80,723 63,415 32% 309,240 244,299 27% Gross profit 12,582 11,162 13,663 (8)% 58,932 48,498 22% Selling
borrowing and lending business - Selling Agent of Mutual Fund units business - Fixed Income business Overview of the Stock Exchange of Thailand The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) Index at the end of March
%) Selling, general and admin expense 1,203 1,875 1,421 18% (24%) Operating profits 3,168 2,886 3,243 2% 12% Excluding non-recurring items 3,168 2,901 3,298 4% 14% Net finance cost/income tax/others 345 356
subsidiary of the Company, which has operated its television channel in fully integrated functions, no matter what producing, providing TV programs, and selling airtime in the field of news, entertainment, and
profit 13,291 12,582 15,885 (16)% 56,338 54,071 4% Selling and administrative expenses2 8,806 8,274 6,770 30% 31,984 24,907 28% Foreign exchange gain (loss) (179) 99 355 (150)% (63) 621 (110)% EBITDA 8,616
% 2,056 981 110% Total Revenue 83,893 77,077 71,878 17% 304,812 275,018 11% Cost of sales2 68,009 63,415 61,567 10% 250,741 233,435 7% Gross profit 15,885 13,663 10,312 54% 54,071 41,582 30% Selling and
% 328,242 282,186 16% Cost of sales2 76,961 68,009 59,992 28% 267,709 237,391 13% Gross profit 19,303 15,885 12,841 50% 60,533 44,795 35% Selling and administrative expenses2 7,335 6,770 5,953 23% 26,289
beverages 323 346 362 12% 5% 940 1,039 11% Cost of real estate sales 0 774 466 100% (40%) 0 1,375 100% Total cost of operations 3,661 4,618 4,539 24% (2%) 10,699 13,009 22% Selling, general and admin expense
สามารถบนัทกึ ผลก าไรดงักลา่ว บรษิทัฯ จะมผีลก าไรในปี 2562 อยูท่ี ่812.7 ลา้นบาท ทัง้น้ี ในธุรกจิยางธรรมชาต ิบรษิทัฯ ยงัคงยนืหยดัในกลยุทธก์ารขายแบบ เลอืกสรร (Selective Selling) และเน้นสดัส่วนปรมิาณการ
means a variety of selections and (ii) as more NPLs are building up, there could be a downward pressure to the selling price, the profits could be enhanced, and eventually, the turnaround time could be