Interim Dividend Payment According to the current situation of COVID-19 that has high possibility to become more severe: spreading widely, Therefore, the conclusions of the Board of Directors (BOD) annual
the form of high quality assets with adequate liquidity. Derivatives clearing houses shall establish clear plans to obtain additional sources of funds in cases where their capital is insufficient for
should not be too high so as to avoid the board excessively focusing on the company’s short-term results. 3.4.4 The board should disclose the directors’ remuneration policy that reflects the duties and
and sustainable growth and diversify operating risk concentrated in Thailand. 2. The Company expects that the Transaction would create a strong business partnership where synergies could be achieved in
international distribution channels, allowing the Company to attain more stable and sustainable growth and diversify operating risk concentrated in Thailand. 2. The Company expects that the Transaction would
potential growth of the Company’s business in the future. Additionally, the offer price which has been 9 evaluated by the Company’s financial advisor via several valuation methodology in accordance with
ไดจ้ะเตบิโตในอตัรำเลขตวัเดยีว ระดบักลำงๆ (mid-single digit growth) และบรษัิทฯ วำงแผนทีจ่ะเปิดตวั 2-4 ผลติภัณฑเ์ครือ่งดืม่ใหม ่โดยเนน้ทีก่ลุม่ผลติภัณฑเ์ครือ่งดืม่ทีม่ ี กำรเตมิสว่นผสมเพือ่ใหไ้ดค้ณุ
materially increase the business growth rate and operating performance of the Company. 7.4 The Company expects that it will be able to provide industrial users with higher quality products and services
materially increase the business growth rate and operating performance of the Company. 7.4 The Company expects that it will be able to provide industrial users with higher quality products and services
various projects of a larger size in Thailand and overseas. This will materially increase the business growth rate and operating performance of the Company. 7.4 The Company expects that it will be able to