แนวทำง โดยแนวทำงท่ีนิยมใช ้ไดแ้ก่ 1. กำรใชปั้จจยั ESG ประกอบกำรพิจำรณำตดัสินใจลงทุน ซ่ึงอำจใชแ้นวทำงเหล่ำน้ีประกอบกนั 1.1. กำรบูรณำกำรปัจจยั ESG ในกระบวนกำรลงทุน (integration): พิจำรณำโอกำสและ ควำมเส่ี
“วิธีการทาง ESG” มีความหมายรวมถึงแตKไมKจำกัดเพียงวิธีการท่ีมักเรียกกันวKาการนำป¥จจัยดHาน ESG มาใชHในกระบวนการ ลงทุน (ESG integration) การคัดกรองออก (Exclusion) การคัดกรองการลงทุน (Screening) การคัดกรอง
expenditure and working capital necessary to increase the Company’s production rate up to 100,000 tons per month and finds the result of the due diligence satisfactory; (d) Link Capital I finds that the Company
above is referred from revenue structure in 2016. After the completion of asset divestment, the proportion of the revenue from publishing and advertising businesses will increase at 13.4% (from 42.2% to
, political or geographic events. Using derivatives exposes the Fund to additional risks, may increase the volatility of the Fund's net asset value and may not provide the result intended. Since the Fund will
collection/ Acquisition cost (%)…………………………………………... 1.15 8.24 16.20 24.99 36.85 35.81 62.70 151.98 104.87 127.98 129.33 90.73 Cash collection tends to gradually increase within the first 5 years of an asset’s
to buy units not less than the amount specified under Clause 41/1. Clause 233 For a subsequent offering to increase capital of the established trust, the applicant shall demonstrate that the units to
accruing from the assets under (a) to (c), for example, right to dividend or interest, right to purchase capital increase shares and right to attend and vote at a meeting of securities holders, etc. (2
accruing from the assets under (a) to (c), for example, right to dividend or interest, right to purchase capital increase shares and right to attend and vote at a meeting of securities holders, etc. (2
accruing from the assets under (a) to (c), for example, right to dividend or interest, right to purchase capital increase shares and right to attend and vote at a meeting of securities holders, etc. (2